Friday, December 10, 2010's why.

Hello, all.  Thanks for stopping by and sharing a part of your day with me.  I hope everyone can get a little something out of reading this, whether it be a smile, or a laugh, or a tug at your heart.  I've been inspired to start writing by some of the blogs I've been reading, and I've caught myself either laughing like a hyena, or silently sitting with tears streaming.  Life is crazy, ya'll.  It's hard and frustrating and beautiful and fragile.  And it's so hard to get it all right, though so many of us want to.  I think, for me anyways, it's trying even when you'd rather just go to bed with a good book and a cup of coffee.  This is my life.

I have 3 sons.  Yep, 3.  Wild and wonderful boys.  My oldest is 13. He's officially an alien.  I don't know what happened to the sweet, chubby little boy who is now lost in a 5'10" frame.  He's a funny, charming, witty guy and he makes me laugh everyday.  Sometimes with him, sometimes at him.  Hey, I'm not perfect.

My middle child is 9.  He is his mother's son.  Bless him.  I'd call him a nerd but he doesn't like that term like I do.  He's very intelligent and is the strongest kid I know.  He is an old soul, and a worrier like me.  And when he holds my hand, it touches my heart.

My sweet baby is 6.  Not a baby, I know, but mine none the less. Adorable, precious boy who still thinks I know everything.  He told me that recently:).  Now if only I can keep the oldest one from convincing him otherwise, I'd have it made.  To hear him laugh is the best sound I know.

These guys make me, me.  They also make me crazy, as I'm sure you will come to realize if you stick around any length of time.  Children are blessings from God.  Which is why I pray everyday to Him to help me out, and sometimes to ask, Really? Boys? 3 of em?  OK.  Believe it or not, folks, He knows what He's doing.  I'm not going to claim I have all the answers, or I know a lot about religion.  I will tell you, though, I have FAITH.   A strong faith that no matter what comes my way, if I can't handle it, God will.  I just have to give it to Him.  And I do, quite often.  That's what I most hope everyone who reads this will take from it.  You may feel like you're all alone in this world, but you're not.  You may think there's no hope, but there is.  You may think you're the worst parent, worst partner, worst friend, but you know what?  We all have those days.   God puts you right where you need to be.  He gives you exactly what you are meant to have.  When you have days you are questioning yourself, and worrying, just give your cares to Him.  He can handle them all. 

1 Peter 5:7  Let Him have all your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you.

Now before you say to yourself, well she doesn't know my pain, or my hurt, let me're right, I don't.  But I know hurt, and pain, and how it feels to lose all hope.  I've had things happen in my life that have made me say WHY?  What good can possibly come now?  What happiness can be found now?   But here I am, saying it can.  Not without trying, though.  Not without telling yourself, OK, I can do this, and doing it.  Not without saying, OK God, I can't do this, but Lord, YOU CAN.  And then letting Him do it.  For me to live my life without the presence of the Lord, to go through this life thinking there's nothing more than this time on Earth, that's hopelessness to me.  To not have this faith, this hope of heaven, this knowing in my soul that Jesus is coming back for me someday, I would be a sad, sad person. 

If you are in that place now, wondering what's going to happen, how are you ever going to be happy again, smile again...what do you have to lose to just try what I'm telling you?  Maybe you'll be surprised how easy it is, to let someone else handle all your stuff, all your cares, and just let that someone be your heavenly Father.  Just try.

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